I have a decent collection of M-42 (switched to EF) Soviet era stills lenses that I'll use on projects from time-to-time. While I was building that set, I stumbled upon the Japanese made, (perhaps 1980's vintage) Petri 55mm f1.8. This lens is quite small, but seems to be built well enough - the body is the typical black anodized alloy. The six bladed aperture adjusts from a bright f1.8 to an f16, range of focus is 2' to infinity, and the front filter thread is 52mm. The Petri C.C. Auto was originally meant to pair with the Petri FT EE camera body, and has a native M42 mount (my copy has been adapted to EF mount).
After some "customization" (there's only one copy in the world that looks specifically like mine) and testing of the lens I decided to rotate it into use. Because of the modifications, I'll refrain from any sort of formal review and just show you the results. Below are a series of stills I took with the lens on another trip to Mackinac Island, Michigan. For more general information about the lens from a great lens database please click the link here to visit allphotolenses.com. Any questions or comments can be dropped in the message board below.
All photos were captured on the Sony A7s with absolutely no post processing. For more info about the A7s, please click here.
Petri 55mm f1.8 - Mision Point Resort, Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 - The Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson | Click here for more information about The Grand Hotel.
Petri 55mm f1.8 - The Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 - Olivia in a sparkly wash of sunlight on Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 - The famous Adirondack chairs on the lawn of Mision Point Resort, Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 - The bowler hat that Christopher Reeve wore in the 1980 film Somewhere in Time, displayed inside the legendary Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The film was shot on location on Mackinac by the great Isidore Mankofsky ASC. - Photo by: Keith Nickoson | For more information about the movie Somewhere in Time, please visit this cute website run by Jo Addie, who was a featured extra on the film, and friend to Christopher Reeve. She contributes greatly to the Somewhere in Time Weekend, and the continued legacy and preservation of the film.
Petri 55mm f1.8 - Straits of Mackinac - Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 - Fort Holmes, Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
The original gazebo constructed for Somewhere in Time. The gazebo was restored and moved from it's original location (near the public school) to a bluff that overlooks Marquette Park in 2005. - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Mission Point Resort - Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson | For more info about Mission Point, please click here.
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Petri 55mm f1.8 | Mackinac Island, MI - Photo by: Keith Nickoson
Thanks for looking. :)